Saturday, May 9, 2009


When seasons comes and walks on past,When the heavens brew and overflow..When the thunders find heavy voices…When the earth sweat endlessly …When the trees dance in common unison,When the firmament is angered…When the oceans leaps and swallowsWhen the sun finds a hiding placeWhen the moon retires from our dreams…When roses loose their scents…When life find but shattered promises…When you sit still and watch the world…With a broken spirit you did glanceWhen hearts throbs against your bones…When tears find u in unguarded momentsWhen it flows without end like a riverWhen u find none to hold your hands…When seasons comes back around…Just like it’s been unending…and I close my eyesResting still and remember not the hurts, the laughter,the blue skies, nor the beautiful smiles of playing kids,nor of the emptiness of a busy and material worldWhen I blink no more… just as they have walked on before meWhen that story of mine is summarized my friends…Not in gold, marble or precious anything but mare stonesLet the tablets read…”Here lies a simple heart that was neitherrich nor poor but scouted the earth forJust a simple spirit willing to shareA common destiny that’s warm, true and loving”

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