Saturday, May 9, 2009



Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 2:11am Edit Note Delete
In Chemistry, Atoms bonded by orbiting elements…In Physics, opposite poles attract…In Biology, sperms fights for the egg…In life reality chases strict patterns…Imaginations always seek to exist…Illusions are more believable…In relationships, we always attract our kind…In affairs, we seek who mirrors our desires…In marriages, it has never stopped being complicated…In devotion, Promises are almost always broken…In love, beautiful emotion always gives birth to excruciating pain…In attraction, someone always does the chasing…In generation, the new are born and the old must die…In friendship, we must disagree before a common ground is found…In trust, someone often betrays a secret…In success, we must first conquer fear n lazy bones…In faith, you must doubt before you believe…In suitors, you kiss many wrongs before the right…In living, there are more questions than answers…In children, we are almost always scared of every step…In achievement, greater feats have been done by a few among us…In anger, we think faster but never clearer…In conversations, we often forget to make our point after listening…In carnal passion, our eyes are never needed…In happiness, we almost always forget lasting joy…In the heart, is found the dirtiest place yet the most beautiful…find laughter in little things and love in unknown places,seek not freedom cos u have it in u,fight for nothing and dont trust if u have not prepared for rude awakenings...but believe only one thing...what u see n feel! Ifits love,share it n time it wills save u lasting hurt ..dont ask why after for there is a lesson u should learn, ask why before! Find ur type and never ask why he or she is wrong cos u are attracted to what ur life mirrors!

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