Saturday, May 9, 2009


His smiles puntuates my heartbeat...he does wonders with his stares, it evokesthe uttermost being in me, Strong as steel and unbending to mortal cravings are His will...I forget existence and life is the vast mirage that envelopes the dunes of saharamy words and thoughts echoes in my head like beastly thunderthe memories of times when i slept calmly with the greatest assurance of love right between those strong arms, uncertaintiesknew not my name and I was blessed, lucky,happy,sweetly a sitting n singing dove...beyound beautiful memories of u are the many prayers ,questions and wonderings that my heart hath done for ur sake amidst plenty tears that runneth like brooks...U gave me life and a soul with it,still it was not enough, ur many sweatsgave me text books, toys and a happy life too, never enough, u gave my dreams wings and dared me to soar far above u...patiently, u raised meto be the man I am today,not a tatoo on my skin, not a piercing in any part of menot a foul language on my lips cos the fear of hurting the confidence u reposed n medisciplines me.Tears freely flow for I have no control of it anymore...For the last time in life, I cease to call u daddy and hope u would answer at the other end of the phone...! They are the most difficult lines I ever wrote cos I dont even knowwhat to say or where to begin to express myself, but I hope u read this Dad...I hope!Much more than I could ever know how to say" I LOVE YOU DAD! I DO the greatest inspiration flowed through you as much as life itself for u preserved meSetting all ur aspirations aside to raise us was ur most enduring joy...All that i came to bewould never be without u...why He took u so soon I don't know, If I could, I would give my life in exchange so u may stay to enjoy one of us...ur soul was not just gentle, it was humble!I would have given my last breath to hear ur final words Dad.................It is cruel! but whom do i blame and who can reverse the hand of time? i hope u talk to me as u would...I speak into space hoping u are listening, I write, hoping u are reading beside me...I try smiling,knowing u would want me to be strong Dad, I am Dad but the tears wount let go of me....! Everything in life seem to remind me of u Dad!It is indeed so lonely...I hope u speak to me "nna" like u always do cos I miss u so terribly already Daddy! Please talk to me or take me with u...! This feeling is strange to me...I hope it passes when I wake, I hope I see u when am home...

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