Saturday, May 9, 2009

To every woman who pulled through the staggering labor pains,... every woman who endured the pangs and aches of pushing forth a child either alive or still-born, on whose countenance was found both agony and restless joy... who gave suckle to tender mouths. Who did not brew nor cooked but from the aboundance of their natural love became fountains of sustainance for a helpless baby and through them flowed milks of life. Each of those true mothers who cried through the nights without peace, without a promised certainty that all was well, who sought protection for the life of the unborn with every suplicative word that doth humble God's heart and causes his compassion to reighn over both.
Even when their lives was at stake, their faith was unfettered, their belief was unwavering and their hope grew in strength. Indeed, every one of those marshals who give birth to Doctors,nurses,lawyers,presidents and kings alike yet retain their humble seats in the affairs of life...without who existence would halt and humanity will be extinct. Without whose constant devotion and tireless attention...withouth whose canes, pusnishments and advices I would not be moulded into the man I am...memories of the burning sun bearing down on her back as she toiled in the farmyard to eke out our "daily bread"...indeed they are the first god that we see and the true proof of creation, in whose woumb God built amazing stables for life.
Those little smile, those moments when I bit half of the meat from your lips and shared your meal cos I wasn't sate, every of those nights when you tuck me in and cover me with your wrapper, each of those toddler days you thought me how to bathe, found the holes in my knicker and sewed my shirts, every of those seasons that it never occured to me mums wear christmas clothes.
How much more can I say...I miss my mother yet for every of you mothers alive.
My greatest affection goes to you. Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. And what a wonderful mother it is through whose womb came a son like you, who she could be proud of.
