Saturday, May 9, 2009


Enclosed in her thoughts with all dedication…unraveling the secrets of her ever revolving mind. Capturing moments, gestures, faces, and behaviors…even common nods and piecing them together, hoping that her mind would find a clue to how it all evolves. Pieces of the puzzle seem to pursue illusion, with no grasping understanding fading before her mind’s eye. From the depth of her thoughts she lifted her head and slowly fixated her eyes on him, incomplete grin that signaled defeat for she yet did not complete the puzzle this time.Very hilarious in her unbending cunning principles, always fiddling between two coasts of her mind, reading yours before you make ‘em up and helping you navigate the courses she had predetermined you would walk with her. If a piece of the puzzle falls before she completes it, she would source it from your mind by asking with a sweet voice as always “did you remember the first kiss hon’!?...what was it you said to me that day?”…or I remember when we got married. Archived in the library of her heart is every event with details that explains them. How could she forget anything even in the rumps of steamy sex? It’s never an antidote to forget but the easiest button to push if you so desire a recount of the last election and the statistics. Bend my mind with the mallet of your tongue and drive the love into me with every affectionate “sweetie!” don’t forget to fold me neatly and lay me in the crib where your mind forever sees me as a baby and your heart controls my every will. If you ever set me free in your thoughts and accept the man I am…dews would have caused the very strands on your back to rise and love would freely flow through every crack and cranny of your being with the creamiest of delightful me.

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