Saturday, June 6, 2009

In his own words...A perfection never to be recreated for am sure no woman has or will ever make me feel the way she does.My hnads reaches out in loving gesture as it runs the lenght of the groove of her we lay, I discovered we've found the secrets of trust...we shared the same thoghts as if orchestrated and with thesame frustration we bore our feelings in our eyes; for our diasgreements were 'cos we couldn't be with each other as much as we'll love to...never because we doubt who we are. I longed to stretch out the hands of providence and bless her with the throne to whom I worship, the one to whom my life is devoted in its entirety to love and to protect, the only woman in whom my lacks are sate and my love is complete.

1 comment:

  1. Who wrote this? This is beautiful. I would love to be THAT woman.
